They’re practical, strangely addictive and sometimes hypnotic. They can be highly personalised, refreshingly creative and on occasions downright bizarre. But that’s what makes them effective brand name reminders; cleverly designed as part of a well thought out marketing campaign.
Whether it’s a new twist on everyday products or custom products created just for you, promotional products let you shout your brand message without yelling.
Promotional products are the only advertising medium that can engage all the senses, and here are just a few ways you can use them in your business…
Coffee mugs, hats, drink bottles… you know that merchandise options like these are top of the promotional pile when it comes to boosting your brand, but did you ever wonder why?
Well, these useful products are so handy that people store them around their office and home ready to be grabbed and used every day, so… your message gets out there over and over again.
Great promotional products provide a reason for your brand to be passed around and talked about.
Have you ever thought about how many people – and prospective clients, customers & supporters – your merchandise could travel across?
Useful products (USBs, pens, hats…) have a way of jumping from person to person, whether they are kept after being borrowed or passed along because of how nice they look or how fun they are.
Promotional merchandise provides a positive boost to your brand as it travels well beyond the hands of the staff, customers or attendees it first lands in.
Breaking the ice with prospects and reminding people about your event or campaign can be tough, repetitive work – crafting emails, direct mail, running ads – but promotional merchandise can help you ease that load.
Sharing your message via branded products is a great way to ensure you stay front-and-centre with your audience after emails are deleted and ads are viewed.
Include your essentials and they’ll be reminded every time they see/use your AWESOME promotional product on their desk, fridge or counter.
Although digital channels are a great way to connect with your fans, customers and advocates, your business needs to build and grow those relationships.
Gain positive attention when you give away or reward your audience with a unique promotional product.
Rewarding your social media fans and followers with amazing merchandise allows you to share your messages, promote new channels and bring those online relationships into Real Life.