We are an all inclusive promo merchandise agency, from the very inception of your concept to the design process, execution, and timely delivery, we’re your steadfast partners every step of the way.

What truly sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to finding solutions that cater to your unique promotional product needs. When you choose us, you’re not just selecting a service provider; you’re gaining a trusted ally in your marketing endeavours, and together, we’ll elevate your brand and promotional efforts.

Design & production

Our team is skilled at developing creative ideas and crafting effective solutions that drive action and emotion. With a wealth of unique concepts at our disposal, we’re well-equipped to enhance your business strategy.

Get Inspired…
ApparelBagsTech |  Business | Lifestyle

Express products & services

When lead-times allow, we internationally-source goods designed and manufactured to specific requirements. Where lead-times are not so generous, we can arrange off-the-shelf, locally-produced products for a quick turn-around.

Top 5 Express Products:
Caps | Pens | Flashdrives | Drink Bottles | T-shirts

24/7 Online merchandise program

The Corporate Online Order Management Solution (COOMS) is a unique service allowing you to create a virtual online ordering shop for your business. It covers everything from ordering and warehousing, right through to nationwide and global distribution, to accurate, real time reporting.

  • Multi-user and multi-location
  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Web access from any office in the world.

Packaging & logistics

From sourcing the latest product lines to knowing where to get the best manufacture or packaging systems, our global networks mean we can consistently deliver tailored solutions to our clients without any surprises.

In both Australia and offshore we have the ability to extensively source and design full packaging solutions. We can store, fulfil and distribute to meet your needs on a global and national scale.

Elevate your brand’s impact with premium merchandise. Connect with us today!

Event marketing

We can create complete merchandise solutions for your corporate, customer or charity events.

Conference merchandise

Ensure maximum impact before, during and after events with products that promote visibility and loyalty.

Gift with purchase

Our creative product design will help you maximise your giveaways and incentive marketing campaigns.

Corporate gifts

Show appreciation, build relationships and promote your business with an effective gift program.

Community engagement

Our team is experts at product development for community-building strategies that leave positive lasting impressions.

Staff recruitment

Enhance talent acquisition programs and employee engagement with a range of custom designed products.

Event branding

We can provide extensive customisation options on large orders with delivery speed and cost savings.

Stock management

Our systems ensure seamless management of your inventory, reducing your costs and improving functional processes.